

My First Post

Here I go... 

Yes I took the leap! Did I stick the landing? Am I officially a blogger now?!

I should introduce myself. My name is Thao, I'm 19, and currently going to a university to major in International Affairs. Paper Bunny is my first official blog. I will be treating this as my baby. I will take care of it and post on it as often as possible.

Lets get something clear, I have no idea what I'm doing. Are there unspoken blogging rules?  If there are any I should be aware of can you lovies inform me of such things.

Ironically the past few days there's been many posts about how to be a proper blogger and I've already broken one important rule, which is, don't over think it. But how could I not. I can be a bit of a drama queen when it comes straining to be perfect. I just have high standards for how things are presented. In this case my blog is a presentation of me. And let me tell you, trying to figuring  out what you would be if you were a blog is a really weird thought process.

I first dipped my toe into the idea of having a 'blog' when I started a tumblr, that was easy right? Post pictures, post words, sometimes you have that profound fleeting thought you know is too deep and unappreciated on Facebook. I stuck with it for three months until I got myself wrapped up in the blogging world. Reading MANY blogs everyday and envying multiple YA novel blogs. Now I'm here, after a week of fiddling around with blogger I am ready to post.

I am completely in love with the idea of being a blogger & I hope you enjoy reading my future posts


  1. Good luck with your blog! Feel free to email me, if you have any questions! You can find my contact info on my blog. :)

  2. Yay for taking the leap! I really hope you enjoy book blogging. I think it's a really really overall lovely community! You've got everything down: gorgeous design, enthusiam! I don't think there are any 'rules' but of course, be nice and always leave meaningful comments! Oh and, don't use captcha! At least, I don't think there are any other rules... :P Good luck Thao!

    1. Thank you for the lovely compliments :) I will do my best to get my posts going! I've been so sidetracked, I sure picked a bad time to attempt to start blogging. I will get my second post ASAP.

  3. Awww welcome to the book blogging community! Hope you will love it. I'm relatively a new blogger myself, but one important thing is to always be yourself here. Don't pretend to be someone you're not 'cause it will fall short one way or another. Making my book blog was an absolutely spontaneous decision so I definitely didn't overthink it ;) Oh, oh and I looove you blog name! So cute! Can't wait to read some of your future posts ;)

    1. Thank you for the warm welcome :) I promise to stay true to myself! And my blog is cute?! I absolutely find yours adorable. I have some posts written but I'm not fully done, I picked a horrible time to attempt to start blogging because I've gotten very busy.

    2. It is. It has a bunny in the name. Ohhhh thank you! x

      I know, that can be quiete a pain but once you get on the right tracks it will go smoothly. Well, relatively smoothly ;D
